Marna Banggara
A healthy and prosperous land for all

About the project
Marna Banggara is an ambitious project that aims to restore southern Yorke Peninsula’s spectacular landscape by returning locally-extinct species and reinvigorating the ecological processes that ensure the bushland’s health. It is the first project in Australia to apply these rewilding principles in a working landscape, where conservation, agriculture and the community exist side-by-side. The project is expected to provide flow-on benefits to farm production and in time, become a drawcard for tourists.
More about the project
Reintroduction Timelines

News & Events
Upward trend for hoodie chick survival on Yorke Peninsula
Media Releases
Intensive control of foxes and feral cats in the Marna Banggara project area on southern Yorke Peninsula is increasing the survival rate of nationally-threatened hooded plover chicks.

Australia’s giant lizards help save sheep from being eaten alive
Giant lizards called heath goannas could save Australian sheep farmers millions of dollars a year by... read more of Australia’s giant lizards help save sheep from being eaten alive
Booming bettongs back from extinction
Media Releases
A small marsupial reintroduced to South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula after being locally-extinct for ... read more of Booming bettongs back from extinction
Malleefowl surprise for volunteers as count remains stable on previous year
What's Happening
Hardworking but often elusive, malleefowl are seen by few people.... read more of Malleefowl surprise for volunteers as count remains stable on previous year